General Resources

Helpful Resources 

Note: We use the term Conversation Canvassing, which other groups call Deep Canvassing.

Websites and Podcasts

Eliciting Change Talk

A new guide from DemsMakeLifeBetter provides excellent responses for conversations with discouraged voters, as well as a comprehensive list of issue topics.

Changing the Conversation

Changing the Conversation is a great first stop to understand what deep canvassing is and why it works. Be sure to review their recent report, Does Deep Canvassing Work?

Twitter:  @ctctogether

Facebook: Changing the Conversation Together


Indivisible, a national training organization. Check out their video, which includes best practices and some real-time role-playing from Youth on Board.

Deep Canvass Institute

The Deep Canvass Institute grew out of a 2020 partnership between People’s Action and the New Conversation Initiative, with a focus on phone conversation in swing states. The Pappas campaign has introduced this strategy to New Hampshire in 2022. 

The Commons Library

Deep Canvassing Scripts Commons Library  — This link takes you to an online Social Change Library, where you’ll find sample scripts and articles on a variety of issues: abortion, climate change, gender, immigrants and health care, jails/prisons, marriage equality, race, and voting. There are also resources on deep canvassing theory and practice—including the Indivisible “Unpacking Deep Canvassing” series that was the original basis for CCNH.


The Hidden Brain

The Hidden Brain, a podcast  hosted by Shankar Vedantam, has two especially relevant episodes:

Passion Isn’t Enough: An interview with Eitan Hersh, Tufts political scientist and author of Politics is for Power (see Good Reads below)

The Obstacles You Don’t See: The importance of understanding “friction” and the simple courtesy of asking "Are you open to a different point of view?" 

Conversations with People Who Hate Me

Conversations with People Who Hate Me is a podcast hosted by Dylan Marron; his book by the same name was published in March 2022.

StoryCorps’ One Small Step 

And for sheer, two-minute blasts of inspiration, StoryCorps’ One Small Step


Good Reads

Dirt Road Revival: How to Rebuild Rural Politics and Why Our Future Depends On It, Chloe MaxminCanyon WoodwardThe Democratic Party left rural America behind. This urgent rallying cry shows how Democrats can win back and empower overlooked communities that have been pushing politics to the right—and why long-term progressive political power depends on it.

Politics is for Power, Eitan Hersh – Prof. Hersh argues that we need to avoid “political hobbyism” and, instead, get out and work with friends and neighbors to effect meaningful change.


Our Time is Now, Stacey Abrams – a rallying cry for community organizers from the next Governor of Georgia, we hope!

What Conversation Can Do for Us,  Hua Hsu  — This book review explores the concept of conversation from multiple perspectives, including its “civilizing power” in everyday life and college classrooms, the pursuit of a “national conversation,” strategies from formal competitive debate, and the limitations of social media. One book cited that has particular relevance to our work is: —- New Yorker 3.13.23


The Persuaders, Anand Giridharadas — a collection of case studies featuring activists who found ways to bridge differences, with a chapter on the origins of deep canvassing at the LA LGBT Center. 

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