Thanks for your interest in Conversation Canvassing New Hampshire. We’re excited for you to begin your journey.
We know you may not have decided yet whether to participate fully in the project. With the password, included below, you now have an opportunity to explore the website. We understand it does not mean you’re making a commitment to the training, but we hope you'll continue to be interested in learning more. If you have already done the training, and would like to participate in a refresher workshop, everyone registered on the website will receive an invitation to the workshops.
The first phase involves watching two hours of short videos on our website before the Zoom workshop.
To access the videos, go back to the website, conversationcanvassing24.org, and you'll be asked to enter a password: con24
Click Already have a password: SIGN IN here, to enter the password.
Please do not share this password as we would like to protect the privacy of the training site during this early phase of voter outreach. You may invite others interested in our program to register at http://www.conversationcanvassing24.org/ and they too may explore the website.
We’re so grateful that you’re joining this project to expand voter engagement in our New Hampshire communities. We believe that listening to our neighbors and finding common ground will be critical in the ongoing struggle to preserve democracy.
The CCNH Team